Following surgery she started her rehabilitation as an inpatient before being discharged. She then continued her rehabilitation as a patient in our Day Program. This involved her having two sessions a week at Lakeview Private Rehabilitation during which time she continued to undertake physiotherapy, exercise physiology and hydrotherapy. Jayne’s rehabilitation essentially took six weeks; that being the time of her surgery to the time she was discharged from our Day Program.
Our Allied Health Manager, Kris Lukjanenko caught up with Jayne to find out a bit more about her experience at Lakeview Private Rehabilitation.
Jayne: I was referred to Dr Brighton for my knee replacement. He operates at Lakeview Private Hospital
Kris: What did your therapy involve?
Jayne: As an inpatient it was physiotherapy twice daily for my knee. I was also reviewed by the occupational therapist to ensure I could do all those little tasks one takes for granted such as dressing and showering yourself. The nurses were always available 24/7 to ensure pain relief and any other care was available. In the day program I had:
- Exercise physiology (An exercise based therapy which looks at the whole body. It also includes health and physical activity education, advice and support and lifestyle modification with a strong focus on achieving behavioural change)
- Physiotherapy (knee strengthening and range of movement exercises as well as gait retraining)
- Hydrotherapy (water based exercises to further work on strength with the benefit of a buoyant and heated environment)
Kris: What aspects of the Day Program did you find particularly helpful for your recovery?
Jayne: An exercise sheet doesn’t give feedback on technique. The Day Program helped me to maintain my focus on exercise and ensure I wasn’t neglecting anything. It also helped me transition into normal life and increase my confidence whilst doing so.
Kris: You completed the inpatient and Day Program rehabilitation. How did they differ for you?
Jayne: As an inpatient I believe it helped me recover quicker. There was regular reinforcing feedback, therapies, education and pain management. As a day patient I was able to integrate rehabilitation into my daily activities. This helped me transition into normal life.
Kris: Do you have any words of wisdom for people considering a joint replacement and rehabilitation afterwards?
Jayne: You have one chance to get it right or 20-30 years to regret it.
Contact Details:
Lakeview Private has contracts with over 30 Health Funds and accepts referrals for the Day Program from GP’s and Specialists across Australia.