Registration Submission Received

Confirming we have received your event registration.

Thank you for your interest in Aspects of Women’s Health and Plastic Surgery. You will be contacted shortly to confirm your place or advise if you have been waitlisted.

Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea is provided during the day. There is plenty of parking onsite which is made available at no charge to delegates.

We would greatly appreciate if you are unable to attend at any stage to please advise via email

Here is some of our latest news

Instability of the Ankle – GP Education Article

  An ankle that feels loose or weak, and is prone to “giving way”, is defined as being unstable. Instability is most commonly the result of having torn one or more ligaments on the outside (lateral aspect) of the ankle. However, it can also result from torn or weak peroneal tendons, or deformity, when the […]

New Day Program Rehabilitation services on offer

Due to the growing popularity of our Rehabilitation Day Programs, we are excited to announce the opening of our brand new gym this week, to cater for the demand. This expansion allows us to better accommodate our patients, being twice the size of the previous one, and provide them with a comfortable and conducive environment […]

Update on Metabolic Disease and treatment pathways – GP Education Event

Lakeview Private Hospital and Circle of Care will be hosting a GP Education Event on the 1st August 2023. This event is to educate GP’s in the latest in metabolic conditions and their management options, as well as obesity management in this context.

Celebrating our 100,000th patient!

The internet is awash with anecdotes of the dilemma that is commonly referred to as “leaky gut”. With the proposed solutions to this problem ranging from simple dietary manipulations and supplementation to strict elimination protocols, this has largely been the territory of alternative or complementary health professionals.

April Falls Month… better balance, better well-being

The internet is awash with anecdotes of the dilemma that is commonly referred to as “leaky gut”. With the proposed solutions to this problem ranging from simple dietary manipulations and supplementation to strict elimination protocols, this has largely been the territory of alternative or complementary health professionals.

Dr Michael Devadas Earns Accreditation as Master Surgeon in Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery

Michael Devadas has recently achieved accreditation as a Master Surgeon in Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery by Surgical Review Corporation (SRC), an internationally recognised patient safety organisation.

Understanding the gut’s role in disease: Why this is one of the most exciting times in medicine

The internet is awash with anecdotes of the dilemma that is commonly referred to as “leaky gut”. With the proposed solutions to this problem ranging from simple dietary manipulations and supplementation to strict elimination protocols, this has largely been the territory of alternative or complementary health professionals.

Santa’s Rehab Workshop!

Patients at Lakeview Private Rehabilitation are enjoying some wonderful Christmas cheer and delightful decorations as the big day draws closer. Our congratulations yet again to the wonderful Lakeview Private Rehabilitation team who continue to come up with refreshing ways to make the rehabilitation of our patients as inspiring as possible.

Preventing Back Pain

The prevention of low back pain is a goal we all strive for everyday as it can be so limiting causing us to take sick days, reduce social interactions and increase our reliance on pharmacological agents. 60% of Australia’s general population will experience low back pain in their lifetime.